so many reasons why today sucks. the main one however is the fact that jeff invited his stupid twink study group over at a time he knows I sleep because I work the grave yards. even more sleepless fun he woke me up this morning and then when I tried to go back to sleep he asked me when I was getting up.. then he went in the living room and put on music so there was no way i could get much needed sleep. Now I have to stay up till 6 am with little sleep. Its not like its not routine. Every thu...
Well it looks like by the time im finaly finished I may have a major and a minor.. On of the perks of taking my sweet ass time it would seem. The major draw back is the loss of that time but hey.. Im getting there. I hope. I should talk to an advisor to be sure. Need to get those ducks in a row. Hopefully funding wont stop me. Oh the major is antropology the minor would be in English
Huzzah for me. I bought to new decent pairs of jeans today for 51.50 . hurrah! Shopping can be quite disapointing sometimes. I only need to remove the fur trim of the cuffs of one of the pairs of jeans and it will be perfect.
Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK] You are a Conspiracy Theorist ! Holy cow! You actually did an online quiz? Little did you realise that the information you gave us is being sent to an unknown government agency for evil use against you! Don't try to leave, we are already watching. More Quizzes at
W Weird H Hot Y Yummy A Awkward N Naughty N Nerdy E Enjoyable T Terrific T Tender E Enjoyable Name / Username: Name Acronym Generator From
Friday night graveyard shift... Its quiet so there is not much to do.. I keep myself busy by doing prep for the day staff. Almost every customer I have is polite and knows what they want. A good shift so far. Of course at this point the universe decides my night is too boring and then there is trouble. I ended up getting two carloads of messed up and almost certainly under aged kids who have come from a house party. I knew they would be trouble when they got out of the cars and this was confi...
Well I havent written in a couple of weeks. What have I been up to? Not much really. I saw Mean Girls and Van Helsing both turned out to be better than I thought they would. A friend of mine moved back to town into an apartment just down the road. And another friend from out of town is in town visiting. Thats about it. umm.. Well Im currently making pasta salad for dinner tonight. yup. thats it. Annette
Well I got a C+ in my Studies in Shakespeare class. So I passed. I never thought I could find something that would make me hate shakespeare but this class did it. Gods above if Shakespeare was really that boring they wouldnt be printing his stuff today. Thankfully the instructors I had weren't around back then to ruin it for everyone.
Aparently if you edit a post it appears in recent posts again. thats somewhat odd. I wonder what the purpose of that is.. Does anyone know? It makes makes me somewhat ansy on fixing my mistakes. I really dont want to bother anyone with old posts I've cleaned up. Also I might as well apologise for my poor spelling and grammer here. SORRY. Amazingly I do fairly well in 3rd year university english courses. Annette
On monday night i worked the closing shift as usual and for the most part it is ok. However some people are either really stupid or just dont listen or some combination of the two. So once and for all I would just like to say Bacon is not a veggie. Normal people or well the majority of the population order bacon with meat. This is because bacon is meat. It also needs to be microwaved which takes time. Time is important because subway is a fast food place. Unfortunatly some people answer the q...
Have you ever tried to love someone but have not been able to trust them completely? Im not sure whats worse discovering that I am just as untrust worthy or that my love is misplace. Oh god it hurts so much. I have never done something so wrong as to snope like I did. What I say will sound like mere rationalisation. It probably is. I have broken the trust of someone I love even though I do not trust them. I tried but they hurt me before and the wound still won't heal. There is more detail...
I worked the late shift last night. So by the time I got home and got to bed it was 6:45 am. Jeff got up to get ready for work some time after 11. Some times he wakes me up to ask me a question. Which causes me to wonder how would I know where he put something when he got home from work while I was at work. But he didnt do that this morning. Instead he played his music loud enough to wake me up and then watched tv fairly loudly after his shower. I thought it was rather rude but was to tired ...
Wednesday was my birthday. Also it was Jeff's birthday, Im around six hours older than him. This is how the day went. We woke up, had breakfast, exchanged gifts watched cartoons and went back to sleep. Go up again, bought frizzbes threw them around, went home got ready for dinner,met everyone at dinner. It was a cramped table for 14 people.Then we went to 70below for Kareoke. After, me Jeff, Alysia, and Matt went for pizza. Then we came here and ate cheese cake. We slept after that. So that...
Yesterday I wrote my last final. It was for Studies in Shakespeare. I just might pass. Im also incredibly glad that that class is over and done with. Other than that nothing much has happened.
well once again I havent updated in a while... well Jeff moved in with me.. The semester ended... Thurs april 15 is my last final.. im being audited by student loan.. work is same as always ... The 21 is my 24th birthday.. it is also Jeffs 24th birthday... .. I saw my dad for the first time in over a year last week..