Published on June 17, 2004 By Why_Annette In Life Journals
so many reasons why today sucks. the main one however is the fact that jeff invited his stupid twink study group over at a time he knows I sleep because I work the grave yards. even more sleepless fun he woke me up this morning and then when I tried to go back to sleep he asked me when I was getting up.. then he went in the living room and put on music so there was no way i could get much needed sleep. Now I have to stay up till 6 am with little sleep. Its not like its not routine. Every thurs i take a nap at the same time so that the graveyard is bareable. but mr considerate invited the twinksquad over though there were many places they could study. you know i dont even know why I bother. I cook , clean, do the laundry, dishes. and this is the consideration that Im shown. hell he points it out to me if he even does the dishes like look at me isnt this good. Mean while I have to pick up the trail of disaster he leaves behind. Hell once he asked there was anything he could do so I said microwaves. do you think that one simple task got done. oh no. All I wanted is to sleep from 5:30 to 8 like I do every other thursday. Im getting so fed up with it all.
on Oct 10, 2005
I'm sorry
on Oct 10, 2005
I'm sorry

A bit late on the apology, perhaps?