And.. I lead a dull life
Published on December 8, 2003 By Why_Annette In Blogging
Well the exam on thursday wasnt so bad.. there was alot of choice between questions. Some of them were even on stuff I had just read I may have lucked out. Then Alysia and I wandered around campus dealing with posters for iaido.. The book store also seems to have some cool gift ideas in. After that we met Jeff at the pub and had natchos and drinks.. Good plan for after and exam. Hung out with Jeff for a little bit and bought a DVD, we also checked out tattoos at Zains.. I definatly know what number four is going to be now..I cant stop thinking about it. Another dragon, a scrolling kinda celtic dragon around my right leg a little bit above the ankle. It can keep the other dragon on that leg company.
FRIDAY... This is the day I started christmas shopping...And really All I can say is that .. the holidays are driving me to drink.. The malls were absoulutly insane. It is only the first week of December and people have already forgoten their manners. Talk about holiday spirit. oh.. And then there was the lady who ran over my foot with her cart. yeah.. she came right out of nowhere.. and the thing is this happened in one of the open floor spaces of the mall.. and there was plenty of space to go around.. There was no crowds.. not at this end of the mall. Gods above.. The result of friday was I got some groceries, new socks, underware and bras, tolietries, and I also managed to get four christmas many more to go.. I dont want to go back to the mall. Saturday I slept.. thats what you do when you work graveyard shifts. The moment I woke up I got ready to go back to work.. It was dull I guess. I worked with Marie... Now Marie is a very nice girl and I kinda like her. However, the fact that she talks more than everybody else at the store well kinda annoying. I left work early thinking I could call Jeff and tell him to meet me at home instead of at work.. both are on the same buss route.. but his cell phone was dead.. and he went to my work.. I felt kinda bad about that. We stayed in and watched a movie and ordered pizza.. It was a nice quiet evening... I went back to bed after he left for work.. I dont know why I slept so much.. we were in bed by 1:30 last night.. just really tired. Tomorrow.. well I that will be boring. In the morning I need to get my depo shot.. so that will make my arm ache all day. Fun stuff.
Take care...
on Dec 08, 2003
Save yourself time and headaches.
Do not wait in anymore long lines.
Avoid paying high state sales taxes.
Don't worry about what you should buy for whom and if it will fit or if they already have one or wheather or not they will even like it.
Save alot of money and time by not having to wrap everything.
Buy gift certificates. GCJ
on Dec 08, 2003
By the way... Who is Jeff?
on Dec 08, 2003
Gift Certificates are a good Idea but people think your cheating when you get them for everyone. I swear christmas shopping is some sorta full contact endurance sport. Thanks for the sugestion though
on Dec 08, 2003
Jeff is my boyfriend.